Regional COVID-19 Travel Bans to be Lifted for Fully-Vaccinated Travelers on November 8, 2021

The Biden Administration recently announced that it plans to lift the regional COVID-19 travel bans affecting 33 countries on November 8th for fully-vaccinated travelers. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 through early 2021, four presidential proclamations were implemented to suspend entry into the United States of all noncitizens who were physically present in any of 33 countries including China, Iran, Schengen Area (Europe), the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil, South Africa, and India, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States.

The new policy for individuals traveling by air will coincide with the lift on travel restrictions at the U.S. / Canada / Mexico land borders planned for November announced in our previous alert. Eligible travelers under the new travel policy will be required to demonstrate that they are fully-vaccinated and present evidence of a negative COVID-19 test taken within three (3) days of travel by air to the United States. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided a list of acceptable U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and World Health Organization-approved (WHO) COVID-19 vaccinations for air passengers arriving in the United States. The Biden Administration is currently working on the orders and guidance for implementation of the new travel policy. We will provide an update once the Biden Administration has provided clear guidance for this policy.


Biden Administration Provides Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements for Travelers to the U.S.


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